
Assalamu Alaikum,

Islamia Allaipupani Maiyam (Islamic Dawah Centre) is a registered Charity, Established in November 1997 and performed its activities in a rental premise 381 High Street North, Manor Park, London, E12.

By the Grace of Allah (Swt) we were able to acquire our own building for the Dawah activities on 1st April 2002 at 396 High Street North, After refurbishment we moved to this new building during Ramadhan 2002.


Islamic Dawah Center has a seperate prayer area for men and women. The prayer area can accommodate about 150 men and 50 women. Friday prayer sermon is conducted in English.

Some of our Activities:

Sisters classes

Brothers classes

Classes for children during weekends

Dawah Stall – every weekend we distribute books and information leaflets and offer advice to people who are interested in Islam.

Guest lectures – We invite qualified speakers from all over the world to give talks in English and Tamil.

Knowledge box – This is a compilation of a series of lectures on the fundamentals of Islam, the Quran and Hadeeth in Tamil language.

Prayers – we hold congregational prayers five times a day and conduct friday prayers, Jazak Allah Khairan.


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