
About US

Krishnika Jewellers. Named after my niece, we are a family run, community based jeweller specialised in 18/22k solid gold. Our store is on Ealing Road, at the heart of the South Asian community in North West London. We have been trading in gold jewellery for over 20 years, serving countless customers and building a reputation as a trusted jeweller. Read about our journey below.

Born on a small island in Sri Lanka, Krishna moved to London 25 years ago. Working as a sales assistant for a well established brand on Ealing Road, Krishna learnt the trade and decided to set up his own store 5 years later with the help of friends and family. Trading out of a small unit, Krishna created Krishna Jewellers. Through hard work and long hours, Krishna made a name for himself as one of the youngest jewellers on Ealing Road offering great value and a personal touch to a growing South Asian community, increasingly successful and growing in wealth.

It was during this time, he met his future wife and my sister.

Also born in Sri Lanka, Abi moved to London as a teenager in the early 90s. Abi met Krishna while at university in the early 00s and they were married shortly after she graduated. Around the same time Krishna moved the store to a bigger space a bit further down Ealing Road, Abi gave birth to their first of two children, Krishnika.

It was around this time, her annoying little brother decided to grow up and head to university. That would be me ?

Hi! So a bit about myself. I was born in Dubai and we moved to North West London when I was 5. A Londoner through and through, I’m now in my late twenties and a qualified accountant with a keen interest in business. A few years ago, following the birth of their second child and my nephew (we are hoping to have a store in his name soon as well by the way!) they finally bought their first store and created Krishnika Jewellers.

This year, due to Covid-19, we had to close Krishnika Jewellers in order to help stop the spread. It was during this time I came up with the idea to move online. The motivation to do this comes from;

  • the amazing South Asian community of make-up artists, sari vendors, fashion bloggers and influencers online who we would love to work with as a great opportunity to showcase the amazing talents of the South Asian community of London.
  • the growing fatigue of fast, irresponsible fashion. Buying something to be used for a couple of years and only to then be replaced is bad for the environment, not sustainable and ultimately more costly to the consumer. We encourage our pieces to stay with you for generations to come, as family heirlooms and life-time gifts. We also make use of recycled gold to reduce the impact on the enivornment.
  • The growing support of small businesses like our own, who support their communities through jobs and taxes.

Our website has recently launched and is a work in progress. I started building the website  a few months ago with very limited knowledge, and took product photos with my 3 year old smart phone! But it is a journey and we are at the start of something hopefully very special. We can’t see anyone else doing what we are planning to do and while there will be mistakes along the way, if we can make a success of this we want it to be through the success of the community and that’s all the motivation we need.

So enjoy browsing the site. Hopefully you find something you really like. We are constantly adding new products, so keep an eye out by following us on Instagram and Facebook or sign up to our news letter.

As always, if you have any questions please email and feel free to come and meet the family in store ?


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