
The Word Of God Church

Contact Word Of God Church for Prayer sessions, church hours and location, and for other church services.

About The Word Of God Church

The church emphasizes the importance of being united in the love of Christ, regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, or creed. In fact, The Word of God Churchwere racially integrated long before the rest of society—not because the church was politically active, but merely because it strongly believed this was the right way for Christians to be. The church, however, teaches that there are different levels of commitment to God, which are a matter of individual conscience.

Church emphasizes the importance

Although the church has a strong sense of religious commitment, there are no rigid requirements of conformity for membership. People are encouraged to devote their lives to God and to walk in the light of truth that God has given them personally. Most Christ Gospel members attend church, Bible study, or prayer groups several times a week. In all other respects they participate fully in all aspects of society. They believe in living full, wholesome lives, enjoying good, clean fun, marrying, rearing families, buying homes, going to school and college, developing careers, striving for excellence, and being responsible, moral citizens in all their actions..

Our Services


Collaboratively developed by the Word Of God Church Foundation, the Word Of God Church Center’s Offices for Ministry.


God wants you to thrive so you can lead a positive life in a negative world. But to flourish in all areas of your life, you have to want to be successful.


Evangelicalism God wants you to thrive so you can lead a positive life in a negative world. But to flourish in all areas of your life, you have to want to be successful.




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